Law and Security of Society

International scientific journal

Peer review process

An indispensable condition for publication is anonymous review of the submitted articles. The journal strives to maintain high standards of publication ethics.

"Law and Security of Society" journal uses external experts to help evaluate articles and assist the editors to make a decision.

When articles are submitted they will be checked and any that appear out of scope of the journal, or otherwise unsuitable for consideration, will be rejected immediately. Reviewers are selected based on their experience of the subject matter of the article. They may be selected from the Editorial Board of the journal as well as from elsewhere. The journal editorial offices and editors will identify suitable experts and invite them to review. "Law and Security of Society" journal welcomes suggestions from authors, but reserves the right to select their own reviewers.

The publisher complies with the Committee on Publication Ethics Guidelines for Peer Reviewers by providing detailed guidelines on the peer-review ethics.

Guidelines for reviewers Review Form